The Three Griswolds of Avon Lake

Avon Lake is alive with the Christmas spirit!

When you are heading out to see the beautiful Christmas displays around the west shore make sure you include Avon Lake. In particular the Three Griswolds of Avon Lake!

The three incredible house displays are the brainchild of James Gerrasch, Kevin Devere and Kevin Moore at 194 Fay Ave., 688 Lear Rd. and 384 Crestwood Ave. respectively. All three displays are on the Northeast Ohio Lights Tours too!

“Our community has several homes expressing their Christmas Spirit with their lights, but these three homes are spectacular!”

1) James Gerrasch at 194 Fay Ave., is 81 years old and still carrying on our tradition of decorating for the community every year! He has over 40,000 lights with homemade Sparkle Balls out of cocktail cups, wooden sculptures he made himself and over 35 artificial Xmas Trees people have donated over the years! You will not be disappointed!

2) Kevin Devere at 688 Lear Rd., has been expanding his beautiful display each year! It is an absolutely incredible display with several donated artificial Xmas Trees, beautiful Xmas ornaments/lightposts figures throughout the landscape and an awesome wooden red truck on the garage which is new this year! It is truly amazing!


3) Kevin Moore at 384 Crestwood Ave., has the closest replica to the National Lampoons Christmas Vacation Home! It is absolutely stunning as well! The amount of lights, trees, displays and beautiful arcs is something to see! They even had a box out front having people guessing how many lights he used without going over. The winner would get a $50.00 Amazon gift card! You need to check this one out!

They will all still be lit up till January 7th, 2024.