City of Fairview Park Coronavirus/COVID-19 Daily Response Update

The City of Fairview Park is closely monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) public health emergency and is guided by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), the Ohio Board of Health, and the Cuyahoga County Board of Health regarding the necessary steps to preserve public health, safety, and welfare for our residents, employees, and visitors.

The following is a listing of recent updates:

Effective Monday, March 23, Fairview Park City Hall is closed except for essential staff until further notice.

All non-essential City of Fairview Park personnel will be working remotely when possible, and can be reached by phone or by email.

Essential City meetings will be limited to ten (10) individuals. All non-essential meetings have been or will be cancelled. The Monday, April 6, City Council Meeting has been cancelled. The next City Council Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 13, and the regular City Council meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 20. This schedule is subject to changes, so please check the City’s calendar for updates.

Police and Fire Department protocols are updated as directed by our Federal, State and local health agencies.

Those who need to enter the Police Station should do so from the Fairpark Drive entrance. For those paying parking tickets, the preferred method is by mail.

The Building Department will be open by appointment only. Please call (440) 356-4405 or email or to make an appointment, or if you have any questions about Building Department matters. For additional information regarding permits, plan reviews, and more please click here. For more information about current operations, please click here.

All bars and restaurants in Ohio are closed to the public at this time, except for takeout and delivery. Click here for a list of local businesses offering takeout and/or delivery.

RITA has suspended all in-person taxpayer assistance, but its call center will remain open and available for taxpayer calls at (800) 860-7482. In addition to the Monday through Friday call center hours of 8 AM to 5 PM, RITA is offering extended call center hours every Saturday from 9 AM to noon through April 11, 2020 and extended evening call center hours through April 15.

All fitness centers/gyms, senior centers, public recreation centers, bowling alleys, movie theaters, indoor waterparks, and trampoline parks in Ohio are closed until further notice.

For issues related to cable or internet, please click here for guidance.

Cuyahoga County has issued a warning to residents in regard to scams related to COVID-19. Click here for more information. Click here for a press release from Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost regarding COVID-19 scams.

Please click here to check our website for updates. If you have any questions about City services, please call (440) 333-2200.

Additional Information Regarding COVID-19

If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, please contact a healthcare provider. If you are experiencing life-threatening symptoms, call 9-1-1.

If you have questions or wish to speak with someone directly, the Ohio Department of Health has set up a call center to answer questions regarding COVID-19. The call center is open every day from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM and the number is 1-833-427-5634. MetroHealth has also established a support line at (440) 592-6843.