Police responded to St Angela Church on Aug. 22 at 1056 hrs on a report of a suspicious fire. Police met with firefighters, who had already put out the fire. It appeared someone had placed a duffel bag or backpack against the NW exterior wall of the church, and using some type of accelerant, had ignited it. Black smoke stains to the brick appeared to be the only damage incurred. The bag was only a pile of ashes, except for a thin bottom which was resting on the pavement. A priest that had left the building around 10:15 am, and the call about the thick smoke was received at 10:50 am, so the fire was started in between those times. Evidence, including possible video surveillance footage, was collected and the invest is continuing.
Catalytic Converter Thefts
On Aug. 18 police received a call from Prentiss Autism Center about catalytic converter thefts. Staff told responding officers that six of their fleet of transport vans were found to have had their catalytic converters removed. Video of at least one of the thefts was obtained. Surrounding cities have had similar instances and officers are sharing information and have developed some possible suspects.
Motel Woes
Police responded to the Ramada Inn on Aug. 23 at 1300 hrs on upon a complaint of a disturbance involving an unwanted guest. The room rental period had ended, and she was refusing to leave. Officers went down to speak with her, and she eventually admitted her time was up and would be leaving. Officers waited close to an hour, with no indication she was packing up, so she was placed under arrest for Criminal Trespass. She began screaming, resisting, and flailing at officers, who had to forcibly restrain her. At the police station, she tried to conceal a white powdery substance (suspected cocaine) in a crack between the wall and the booking room bench. This powder was collected as evidence, to be tested at the crime lab. The 35 year old Parma woman was later released on bond, being charged with Criminal Trespass and Resisting Arrest. Possible drug charges to follow if the powder tests positive.
Child Endangering
On Aug. 23 at 2040 hrs police responded to Mastick Rd due to a female passed out on the grass with a young child next to her. Paramedics were treating the unconscious woman, who revived after two doses of Narcan, used for opiate overdoses. The 3 year old child’s father arrived to take him, but was found to have an active warrant from Brook Park and also exhibited signs of opiate abuse. He was arrested and turned over to Brook Park PD. The mother was taken to the hospital, with the child being turned over to the grandmother. Child services notified, report turned over to the prosecutor to rule on possible Child Endangering charges.