The Bay Village Police Department would like to share information about resources regarding dogs and cats.
These agencies provide low-cost pet health care
Cleveland Animal Protective League: 216-771-4616 • Petfix: 216-732-7040 • SPCA: 216-351-7387 • Valley Save A Pet: 440-232-9124
Pet Food Pantry locations
Cuyahoga County Dog Kennel: 216-525-7877 • Cleveland APL: 216-771-4616 • Friendship APL: 440-322-4321
The City of Bay Village has ordinances prohibiting dogs and cats from running at large. Additionally, dogs and cats must have a rabies vaccination after the age of six months. Dogs must also must have a valid registration through the County Auditor. Please consider spaying and neutering your pets. Animals, especially cats, can reproduce quickly. A pet cat that has a chance encounter with a feral mate can lead to big problems for homeowners and a life of neglect.
Other items of consideration involving our pets:
- If you find, lose or encounter an injured or deceased animal please contact BVPD at 440-871-1234. This assists officers in reuniting lost pets.
- Please pick up pet waste if you walk your dogs to do their business.
- Columbia Road Beach is not a dog beach/park. Leash laws still apply!
- Don’t leave your dog in the car. This can be deadly as the summer temperatures rise.
- Consider getting your pets chipped. The Bay Village PD has a chip reader, as do most veterinarians. This will greatly increase the chance that your pet will be returned as quickly as possible.
For more information, see the link below to Chapter 505 – Animals and Fowl of the Bay Village Codified Ordinances.
For additional support or guidance with animal related concerns, please contact the Bay Village Police Department or Animal Control Officer Mark Adkins at 871-1234. He can also be reached at