At the Westlake-Bay Village Rotary Art Festival

Balloon artist Danimal shares a creation with a young patron.

The Westlake-Bay Village Rotary Art Festival held on the grounds of Westlake Porter Public Library was a hit on Saturday, July 27.

Perfect summer weather welcomed hundreds to this annual event.

“Bay Village Rotary Art Festival thanks the community for its continued support of the arts,” said organizer Joe Kraft. “This festival, the fourth annual, was the most successful to date.

“It was the largest by number of artists (over 70) including multiple mediums: paint, ink, clay, fabric, glass, sound, metals, wood, paper.

Westlake High art teacher Will Wilson welcomed students to his booth.
Wilson was the show’s featured artist.

“Funds raised support the Westlake – Bay Village Rotary Club non-profit projects both locally and internationally. Each artist donated an art piece for the annual art raffle, a favorite activity of the festival.” Other activities were music with 3 different music groups, food trucks, beer and wine garden, face painters and balloon artists.

“Blessed with a beautiful, sunny day, the parking lots at Westlake Elementary School (thank you Westlake City Schools) and the grounds of the library (thank you Westlake Porter Public Library) were filled with art lovers the entire day,” added Kraft. “We could not have achieved success without tremendous volunteer groups from Westlake High School and St. Edward High School.”