Celebrate Library Card Sign-Up Month at Westlake Porter Public Library

If you don’t have a Westlake Porter Public Library card, now is the time to get one. September is National Library Card Sign-Up Month, and anyone who renews, replaces, or registers for a library card through September 30 will automatically be entered for a chance to win raffle prizes, including an Amazon Fire Tablet, Sgt Clean Car Wash 1 year service, Mitchell’s Ice Cream gift cards, and more. They’ll also be able to access all the materials, services and programs the library offers.  

Whether it’s a new card or an existing one, a library card opens a world of infinite possibilities through resources and services that give students the tools to succeed in school and beyond. From STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) programs, family storytimes, maker programs and devices in the Makerspace, to streaming and downloadable media, libraries transform lives through education.

Having – and using – a library card is key because libraries play an important role in the education and development of children. Studies show that children who are read to in the home and who use the library perform better in school and are more likely to continue to use the library as a source of lifetime learning.

To receive a Westlake Porter Public Library card visitors need to fill out an application form found at westlakelibrary.org/welcome. Applicants need a valid photo ID with their current address to complete the application process and receive a card. Anyone who lives, works, owns property or attends school in Ohio is eligible for a library card. 

Whether a card is new or a replacement, library users can now choose from three new designs, including a Snoopy-themed card, a READ card and an updated WPPL design, in addition to the original design.