A Florence Court resident called Bay Village Police to report a package containing $90.00 worth of merchandise was stolen off of his front porch on Nov. 5. Police are investigating.
Attempted Break In?
On 11/06/2014, at 2054 hrs, a Cahoon Rd. resident called BVPD to report that had just witnessed 5 juveniles attempt to get into his locked truck. Police responded to the area and searched for the youths, but were unable to locate them.
A BVPD officer stopped a vehicle on Bayview near Lake Rd. for a traffic violation on 11/07/2014, at 0320 hrs, After speaking with the 33 yoa female driver, the officer suspected the driver had been drinking. Field sobriety tests were administered, and a result the Avon Lake resident was arrested for OVI. She will face charges at RRMC.
On 11/09/2014, at 0134 hrs, a BVPD officer stopped a vehicle on Bradley Rd. near Bexley for a traffic violation. After speaking with the 50 yoa female driver, the officer suspected the driver had been drinking. Field sobriety tests were administered, and as a result, the Avon Lake resident was arrested for OVI. She will face charges at RRMC.
Assault Reported
On 11/07/2014 at 2139 hrs, a resident in the 24000 block of Knickerbocker called BVPD to report she had just been assaulted by her ex-boyfriend, and that he had slashed the tires on her car. She stated her ex had fled the scene. Officers searched the area for the suspect but were unable to locate him. Police are investigating.
Missing X Box
On 11/08/2014, at 1250 hrs, a resident in the 400 block of Bradley reported that his X-box was missing from the basement. The victim stated nothing else was missing or out of place in the house. Police are investigating.
On 11/08/2014, at 2340 hrs, a BVPD officer stopped a vehicle on Lake Rd. near Douglas for a traffic violation. While speaking with the 21 yoa male driver, the officer smelled the distinct odor of marijuana coming from within the vehicle. A probable cause search was conducted on the vehicle, and a baggie of marijuana was located in the front console. The Avon Lake resident was cited for Possession of Marijuana and given a court date at RRMC.