City of Bay Village News

Bay Rummage Sale

The Bay Village Senior Center is having a rummage sale on July 29th and we need your help!!!

1 – Purchase a 6’ table for $20 by July 24th. Sell your own goods and keep the profit. OR

2 – Donate your goods on July 26th and 27th for us to sell. AND

3 – SHOP!!! On July 29th stop into the Dwyer Center from 9am- 1pm and hunt for treasures!!


The Bay Village Senior Center and Community Services have been responsible for so many wonderful programs that benefit this community we all love; providing a variety of activities and safe transportation for seniors, pairing Snow Angels with neighbors in need throughout the winter and renting out short term medical equipment – just to name a few. Please consider supporting our efforts in any way you can. Thank you!!

Interurban Pedestrian Bridge Opens in Bay

The City of Bay Village celebrated a ribbon cutting and grand opening for the new Interurban Pedestrian Bridge that traverses Cahoon Park along the path of the old interban train line (trestles can still be seen in Huntington Reservation). Folks could then walk or bike to Bay Days from the east side of the park without leaving the park. (And they made sure the balloons and ribbon were properly disposed of afterwards!)

Bike with the Mayor

Bike with the Mayor in Bay on July 3 had a great turnout! Cyclists joined in with Mayor Paul Koomar and rode from Bay Middle School to Reese Park and back to Bay Days on the new Wolf Road bike lanes. A great time for all!

Patriotic Message

A creative display of the American flag was cut into the landscape of Bay’s Cahoon Park soccer fields just in time for the Fourth of July weekend!